Professional Profile
and Ethical Guidelines

All practicing full members of the AATA have completed an accredited anthroposophic therapeutic arts training, with diploma, recognised by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland. They adhere to standards and guidelines defined by national and international anthroposophic associations as well as Professional Healthcare Regulation Bodies determined by their professional registration.

Goetheanum, School of Spiritual Science, Dornach, Switzerland

Ethical Guidelines, Code of Practice and
Standards of Competence

Members comply with the Code of Ethics as outlined by the International Federation of Anthroposophic Therapies (IFAT) as well as the relevant registration body to which they belong where applicable. Guidelines on practice, competencies and training are contained in the former, revised CAHSC Code of Practice (Council of Anthroposophic Health and Social Care) and Standards of Competence (Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts), or in equivalent updated versions thereof. HCPC and BACP practitioners work in accordance with their respective regulatory body.

Guidelines of Anthroposophic Associations

IFAT, International Federation of Anthroposophic Therapies

International Professional Profile

Ethical Guidelines

ICAAT, International Coordination of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies

Professional Profile

Standards of Competence

Former, revised CAHSC guidelines

Standards of Comptence

Code of Practice of Anthroposophic Health Professionals

Professional Healthcare
Regulation Bodies' Guidelines

bacp logo

BACP, British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy

Ethics and Standards

bacp logo

HCPC Health & Care Professions Council

Standards of Conduct

Performance and Ethics