Becoming a Member

Applying for Membership

For membership enquiries please contact

Benefits of Membership

  • Receive the AATA journal ArtSpace as part of the membership subscription
  • Actively engage with the ArtSpace journal through contributing articles and case studies
  • Discount for conferences and workshops
  • Access to free AATA regional groups
  • Free AATA facilitated Zoom exchange and groups e.g. study groups or peer supervision
  • Offer of online CPD courses on anthroposophic content to further learning and experience
  • Networking between members, engaging in initiatives i.e special interest groups and/or projects facilitated by the AATA
  • International membership with the International Coordination of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies ICAAT, the International Federation of Anthroposophic Therapies IFAT
  • Membership with Anthroposophic Medicine UK, AM UK
  • Access to the AATA Member’s Forum: exchange, mutual support, collaboration and networking between members as well as uploading workshops, events and information
  • Access to AM UK’s Professional Forum: download information about conferences and Continuous Professional Development upload information about events and workshops in the wider community of AM UK, which can be listed on the AM UK’s event page
  • Full members can upload their professional profile and contact details on the professional practitioner’s directory to increase advertising coverage and to enable professional contact with other anthroposophic medical health practitioners for referrals and professional exchange
  • Access News of the International Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland such as the Medical Section newsletter and be part of initiatives and access events
  • Receive information from other international affiliated anthroposophic professional organisations re professional developments and events
  • Be part of a unique and vibrant professional community that seeks to be in personal contact with each other and strives for a culture of social interaction and collaboration
  • Actively engage with questions of meaning and spiritual enquiry in personal experience as well as professional development
  • Be part of a sustainable approach to integrative medicine
  • Engage with the Global Network of Anthroposophic Medicine and their social international networking

Framework, Aims & Objectives

We aim to establish and maintain a professional body of members and enhance professional conduct and development through:

  • Providing a collegial context in which the practice of therapeutic arts can be deepened and enriched through sharing of experiences and resources
  • Facilitating and circulating ongoing research
  • Providing a forum for mutual support and professional advice among its members
  • Representing Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts to the public and assisting its members in raising public awareness
  • Creating opportunities for its members to fulfil the requirements for fitness to practise, such as supervision and continuing professional development

To recommend that all practicing members adhere to the Code of Ethics as outlined in the International Federation of Anthroposophic Therapies (IFAT) as well as the relevant registration body to which they belong where applicable.

Guidelines on practice, competencies and training are contained in the former CAHSC 2009 Code of Practice (Anthroposophic Health Professions) and 2011 Standards of Competence (Anthroposophic Therapeutic Arts), or in equivalent updated versions thereof.

To establish and maintain cooperation with:

  1. The Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland
  2. The International Federation of Anthroposophic Therapies (IFAT)
  3. Anthroposophic therapeutic arts trainings
  4. Patient organisations or groups

Membership levels

Full Membership

Applicants are required to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) or the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or any appropriate registration body that may be approved by the Carrying Group. They have completed an anthroposophic therapeutic arts training, with diploma, recognised by the Medical Section (see above), or must have gained a certificate of competence directly through the Medical Section.

The rate is currently £72 per year.

Free Student Membership

Membership is open to students enrolled in anthroposophic therapeutic arts trainings recognised by the Medical Section.

Membership shall be free for students until they graduate, at which point they inform the Association of their status change and are invited to apply for a new level of membership. Student members are encouraged, where possible, to support the Association in other ways, such as help with preparing AATA conferences and other Association activities.

International and Retired Membership

International and Retired Membership is open to anthroposophic therapeutic arts practitioners who live abroad and want to remain in touch, have no professional association in their own country, and to those who are retired and no longer practise. They pay a reduced fee of 50%.

Associate Membership

Applications can be received from any individual, including professionals who may to date not qualify for full membership, who share the aims and objectives of the Association. Associate membership fee is the same as that of full membership.