

AATA Conference 2023 - Truth and the Physical Body

We are embarking on a three-year theme for our annual conferences, inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s lecture Truth, Beauty and Goodness (GA220) from 1923. Last year in September 2023 we looked at the relationship of truth to our physical body.

a man and a woman drawing on a board with pastels

All Real Living is Meeting      

The AATA 2021 Annual conference was carefully prepared to engage with the intimate potential of face-to-face encounters that most of us had been unable to experience and enjoy for the past 2 years, during the pandemic.


Connecting People to Nature and Art

Early in 2022, Auckland-based artists and art therapists Susie Gay, Deborah Tait and Dianna Brinsden took hold of a Michaelic initiative to introduce Rudolf Steiner’s Nature Sketches into the wider community.


The Development of Anthroposophic Art Therapy

Anthroposophic art therapy has been around for nearly a century. What are our roots? What defines us? What has changed? What remains?


Lacking confidence? How developing speaking skills can help you be more assertive

In late 2021 the Press & Journal in Aberdeen interviewed Donald Phillips for the Health and Wellbeing section of their online Lifestyle magazine. This article highlights aspects of his speech coaching work.


Hoathly Hill Sculpture Studio      

This studio space has existed for many years at Hoathly Hill. It is a place where anyone is welcome who wants to try get their hands, heart and head active.


This post could be your post

This post could be your post. We welcome projects, initiatives or research from therapists around the world to promote the diverse applications of the Therapeutic Arts.